In it’s 17th season, the W3 Awards received over 3,000 entries from advertising agencies, PR firms, digital agencies, in-house creative professionals, web designers, and graphic designers. Clarity Partners was recognized again this year, this time for three of our recent web projects.
Winning Projects
Colony Display – Website Redesign
Colony is a custom wood/metal fixture manufacturer located in Elgin, IL. Founded in 1983, the company quickly gained a reputation for being customer-focused for producing high-quality mid-tiered fixtures for the retail industry. This project was completed as an almost entirely virtual effort during 2020.
Metra Rail – Website Redesign
The new Metra site is considered the first step in a transformation in how Metra will communicate with users. The design is clean and simple, with an effort to improve the experience for mobile users (who represent two-thirds of visitors) and, more importantly, customers with visual disabilities. The site is in Level AAA compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Project Rainbow, Cook County Government – Website Design & Development
Clarity was chosen to build Project Rainbow, a website which hosts the new Cook County initiative that seeks to address learning loss magnified by COVID-19 by curating and creating free early childhood and family oriented educational programming. Through this initiative, Cook County and its Project Rainbow partners will produce new or repurpose existing informative and educational content for children and families.
For a comprehensive list of Clarity recognitions, check out our Awards page.
W3 Awards & Judging
Winning entries for The W3 Awards are selected by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts. The AIVA oversees all judging and provides strategic direction for The W3 Awards. The AIVA is a membership-based organization of leading professionals from various disciplines of the visual arts dedicated to embracing progress and the evolving nature of traditional and interactive media. To learn more about the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, please visit aiva.org.
About Clarity Partners
Clarity Partners is a Chicago-based, full-service management and information technology consulting firm that specializes in delivering comprehensive solutions to complex public sector and non-profit challenges. We provide management consulting, enterprise performance management, application development, website design and development, cloud solutions, project management, and IT staffing services to a diverse mix of businesses across the full spectrum of industries.