Integrate content across the enterprise
From document scanning, storage, and retrieval to workflow to case management, Clarity can help your organization more effectively and efficiently manage your documents and data. We identify opportunities and mitigate pain points by building user-friendly solutions with streamlined processes and intuitive interfaces that provide you with access to your documents and data from anywhere at any time.
Leverage Content Services solutions to transform your organization
Clarity leverages industry leading solutions from Hyland Software (including OnBase) and Laserfiche to help transform your content ecosystem. Clarity will work with you to determine the best software fit then guide you as we collaborate to implement a robust content services solution for your organization. Clarity’s certified professionals are experts at leveraging these leading content services products to implement a wide variety of solutions, including:
- Document Management (scan-store-retrieve)
- Electronic Forms
- Workflow and Business Process Automation
- Capture and Ingestion (from desktop scanners to automated file import/indexing)
- Case Management
Content Services software can help you speed up processes and reduce costs by capturing documents and other data into one, easy-to-use interface, centralizing your important business content in one secure location, delivering relevant information to you when and where you need it.
Major Platform Used

See more about our current product offerings on our Technologies page.