Chicago, IL – The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) looked to enrich its mission by re-launching a dynamic website – which is a key online destination for a wide array of end users – and is reflective of the new brand identity that is transparent, engaging, innovating, and an industry leader. For this highly important initiative, CHA chose Clarity Partners, LLC along with their business partner, AmericanEagle.com, to guide them to the most current state-of-the art website design and development practices. Clarity will full develop and implement the Chicago Housing Authority’s website to improve functionality, simplicity of navigation, depth of content, and ease of content management by re-launching the currently published website with the content contained therein. Clarity chose a content management system that is both user-friendly and highly-customizable, allowing the CHA to have the greatest possible opportunity to create a long-term content management plan that serves the agency’s and publics’ best interests.
Clarity will work with the CHA to plan, produce, and integrate an information architecture that easily supports the development of time-sensitive information so as to avoid convoluted multiple redirects and duplicated links, thereby reducing any difficulty locating information quickly that visitors of the site might experience. The result will be a new information architecture that simplifies the function by reducing redundancy of information placement, easy navigation between related topics, and eliminates scrolling on the homepage, as well as incorporating newly designed web parts and icons.
About The Chicago Housing Authority
CHA is the largest owner of rental housing in the city of Chicago, providing homes to more than 50,000 families and individuals, while supporting healthy communities in neighborhoods all across the city. CHA has almost 9,400 apartments in buildings designated for seniors and more than 11,500 units of family housing. It also oversees the administration of 36,900 Housing Choice Vouchers that allow low-income families to rent in the private market.
CHA is currently undergoing the Plan for Transformation, the largest and most ambitious redevelopment effort of public housing in the history of the United States. As part of the Plan, CHA will redevelop or rehabilitate its entire stock of public housing. The Chicago Housing Authority is a municipal not-for-profit corporation, governed by a Board of Commissioners consisting of ten members. They are appointed by the Mayor (http://www.thecha.org)
About Clarity Partners
Clarity Partners is a Chicago-based, full-service management and information technology consulting firm that specializes in delivering comprehensive solutions to complex public sector and non-profit challenges. We provide management consulting, enterprise performance management, application development, website design and development, cloud solutions, project management, and IT staffing services to a diverse mix of businesses across the full spectrum of industries.