On Thursday evening, July 13th, Clarity’s very own Carnegie Mellon University Alumnus, David Namkung, joined forces with university leaders to welcome this year’s local incoming freshman class during their annual “On the Road” event.
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) hosts welcome receptions in cities across the country in order to connect first year students and their parents with each other, as well as with current students, alumni, and university staff members.
Mr. Namkung, Clarity’s founder and managing partner, spoke of his humble beginnings and how CMU’s rigorous academia led to his current success. Students were commended on their academic accomplishments thus far, which led to their acceptance at the prestigious university. During the event, students were able to mingle with one another while parents had the opportunity to discuss important topics with CMU representatives Lisa Georgi, Director of Development, and Lenny Chan, House-Fellow/Associate Director for Residential Education.
Clarity was happy to have the opportunity to host the event alongside CMU and its leaders, and to welcome Chicago-area members of the university’s largest incoming freshman class to date.
About Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon, based in downtown Pittsburgh, is a private research university offering undergraduate and graduate degrees. CMU is a world-renowned educational institution, with multiple locations in the U.S. and worldwide.
About Clarity Partners
Clarity Partners is a Chicago-based, full-service management and information technology consulting firm that specializes in delivering comprehensive solutions to complex public sector and non-profit challenges. We provide management consulting, enterprise performance management, application development, website design and development, cloud solutions, project management, and IT staffing services to a diverse mix of businesses across the full spectrum of industries.