The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) launched their “ON TO 2050” comprehensive plan, a three-year-long, data-driven and highly transparent endeavor, on October 10th. Clarity Partners, in collaboration with Base22, helped CMAP make this regional plan accessible to the public by bringing it to life online.
Clarity’s primary contributions to the project included project management, design, front-end development with a focus on accessibility, and quality assurance services. The plan’s website, www.cmap.illinois.gov/2050, is a “channel” of CMAP’s main site and was built on the Liferay platform which gives administrators significant control over content, page design and additional administrative features. Clarity implemented the website’s interactive charts showing racial and ethnic disparities in economic success, measured by education, employment and income, in Chicago and several other major regions across the country.
CMAPS’s development of “ON TO 2050” involved extensive research, analysis and engagement with residents. Adoption of the new plan, which builds upon the previous “GO TO 2040” plan developed in 2010, guides investments in transportation and outlines priorities on development, the environment, the economy and additional quality-of-life issues facing the in Chicago metropolitan area. Detailed information regarding the plan, including a downloadable executive summary, is available on the new website and residents are encouraged to provide feedback.
About CMAP
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning was created in 2005 and serves as the regional planning organization for the northeastern Illinois counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will. On a policy level, the organization is led by the CMAP Board, whose membership features balanced representation from the seven-county region, and the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Committee. The creation of CMAP was mandated by the State of Illinois back in 2005 and serves as the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for metropolitan Chicago. For more information, visit www.cmap.illinois.gov.
About Clarity Partners
Clarity Partners is a Chicago-based, full-service management and information technology consulting firm that specializes in delivering comprehensive solutions to complex higher education, public sector, and commercial sector challenges. We provide management consulting, enterprise performance management, application development, website design and development, cloud solutions, project management, and IT staffing services to a diverse mix of businesses across the full spectrum of industries.