For the second year, Clarity Partners partnered with Lumity and welcomed students to the office from Chicago Vocational Career Academy (CVCA) to participate in a One-Day Challenge.
On Friday, February 8th, the CVCA students were challenged to use a combination of current and emerging technologies to help the City of Chicago in its efforts of reform outlined in the newly signed Chicago Police Consent Decree (CPCD),with the ultimate goal of improving safety and building community trust between law enforcement and local communities. The students generated conceptual designs incorporating technology such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality to reduce violence and change the current landscape of Chicago’s crime and current law enforcement environment. Participating students addressed issues such as mental health and training for law enforcement, as well as community engagement, to produce real world solutions that could be put into action within the next five years.
Volunteers from Clarity and Kinzie Capital Partners worked with groups of four to five students to help them conceptualize their unique ideas and designs. Teams then presented their ideas and were judged by a panel of Clarity senior leadership, based on innovation and presentation quality. The highest scoring team was named the One-Day Challenge Workplace Award Winner.
The winning group incorporated elements of augmented reality and artificial intelligence, with an emphasis on deep learning and machine learning, to better equip officers with the proper tools for addressing challenging scenarios. Their idea toted augmented reality headgear in conjunction with a physical simulation suit complete with biometrics integration. This individualized simulation technology would be updated (eventually automatically and instantaneously) to include a wide range of high-risk scenarios to prepare both new and veteran officers for effective de-escalation and use of force tactics.
In addition to the technology aspect, this group received one of the highest scores for their discernment in addressing issues such as officer safety and showing gratitude for the police department’s role in the community. The students expressed a strong belief that this would be a solution that benefited everyone by restoring confidence between the police and community, and promoting safety for all in compromising situations.
Clarity would like to thank Lumity for their unique programming which provides the opportunity to host such events, and to the teachers at CVCA who are on the ground laying the framework of Chicago’s future leaders and change makers.
About Lumity
Lumity is a not-for-profit whose mission is to provide teens and young adults from underserved communities with transformational experiences to prepare them for a lifelong STEM careers. The organization provide a variety of programs that allow them to further their mission, one of these is a program called a One-Day Challenge, in which the organization joins forces with a corporate partner to bring a group of students out of school and into the sponsors environment. Students experience solving a problem over the course of a day while getting coaching from corporate volunteers. For more information, visit lumity.org.
About Clarity Partners
Clarity Partners is a Chicago-based, full-service management and information technology consulting firm that specializes in delivering comprehensive solutions to complex higher education, public sector, and commercial sector challenges. We provide management consulting, enterprise performance management, application development, website design and development, cloud solutions, project management, and IT staffing services to a diverse mix of businesses across the full spectrum of industries.