Mobile Electronic Ticketing System Web Application (METSWeb) 2.0
Chicago’s Mobile Electronic Ticketing System (METS) began as a pilot program in 2015 used by the city to move away from issuing paper citations. Clarity was engaged to transition the web application from METSWeb to METSWeb 2.0.
City of Chicago, Department of Law (DOL)
Project Start Date
April 2019
Overall Goal
Replacing the legacy Mobile Electronic Ticketing System Web Application with a custom-developed solution that will expand the functionality to allow for reporting from various departments on multiple types of city violations.
COAL: Collections, Ownership, and Litigation, discovers property owner
DOAH: Department of Administrative Hearings
LIP: Litigation piece of COAL that represents the city during court hearings
Additional METSWeb Upgrades
- Significantly more modern and user-friendly UI/UX
- Multi-layer permission and access set up
- Full migration of over 350K+ existing incidents from the legacy system
- 2-way API for mobile devices used for reporting
- 2-way API for the Department of Administrative Hearings to process court cases based on real-time updates
- A new, complex algorithm that schedules future hearings based on cases created in METS2 while also incorporating all existing information from the Department of Administrative Hearings management system – a feature that DOL didn’t think was possible
Tools Most Utilized*
METSWeb Go-Live Date
September 2020, a 100% virtual launch due to COVID-19
Future METSWeb Project Endeavors
- Working to include more departments like CPD and CDOT into the reporting process currently facilitated by the upgraded METSWeb Application (in 2023)
- Feature enhancements within the DOL that will allow for real-time issue tracking to address potential errors made by the department and to bring more clarification (based on incident history) into the process
*check out the full list of Clarity’s product offerings on our Technologies page.